• A blended learning management and conferencing solution

    Deft plugins facilitate real time communication within Moodle. Changes to content are seen immediately by all learners currently viewing the material via the WebSocket or WebRTC protocol. Users can interact with audio and video conference venues as part of other Moodle activities. The service is securely linked through your site so only you have control  of your users' data. If you are unable to install the plugins we may be able to provide activities as a service in your LMS as an LTI tool. Create an account and submit a support request for more information.
    • Featured Products

      Deft Response Block

      The Deft response block enables real time interactions with learners, directly in a Moodle site, using Texts, Choices, Comments and Venues. Managers or Editing teachers can create multiple tasks consisting of short texts, discussions, polls or audio conversation, and control remotely which ones are displayed and how students may interact with them.

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      Popups Course Format

      The Popups course format Moodle plugins makes courses more interactive by allowing students to interact with simple activities without navigating from the course page. An optional Deft integration allows course  contents to be updated in real time on the page.

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      Plenary Meetings

      Plenary meeting activity organizes meetings using parliamentary procedure. It can be used to teach organizational skills or to provide structure to an organizational meeting. Meetings may be conducted in person or online with video integration.

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