Descripción de la sección

  • The Deft response block enables real time interactions with learners, directly in a Moodle site, using Texts, Choices, Comments and Venues. Managers or Editing teachers can create multiple tasks consisting of short texts, discussions, polls or audio conversation, and control remotely which ones are displayed and how students may interact with them.

    • Teachers can easily enable venues for learners to converse in Moodle activities using WebRTC conferencing.

    • Text and Comments tasks provide timely information to learners, and  allow learners to engage in group tasks

    • Receive feedback from users with Choice tasks.

    • The privacy and security can be controlled better by you with Deft response than other external conferencing  solutions because learning and login information remain in Moodle.

    • The plugin is compatible with Moodle version 3.11, 4.0, 4.1 and will be supported in future stable releases. In addition your site needs to be accessible from the internet for our service to work since we need to authenticate your site to transfer messages. Some of the features will still work without the service.