The service provided by Deft does not store any private information about your users. Very little information is shared with us about your site other than anonymous traffic information.

After installing the block, the admin needs to go to the Deft response block settings page and click the button to activate the service. This will establish a link to Deftly as an external tool. This allows secure transfer of connection information between the servers. User information is not passed. For each block instance Moodle requests a token from Deftly which is given to users when they access the block. Each user's browser uses the token to subscribe to messages from the Deftly server using the WebSocket protocol. When an event is triggered in Moodle that updates block content, a message is sent from the block to Deftly server which forwards it to the subscribed user indicating the block change happened, and finally the browser retrieves the changes from the Moodle site.

With conferencing, peer to peer connections are made between participating users with WebRTC protocol. Signaling information is exchanged between them through your Moodle site. Deftly transmits only timing information. If a direct connection is not possible between peers, a connection is made between peers through Deftly servers using end to end encryption so it remains private.

Whenever information passes through the Moodle site, the users are authenticated and capabilities are checked so the process is as secure as your Moodle site is. The block supports the Moodle Data Privacy API so you have control of the information it stores on the Moodle server.

Остання зміна: суботу 10 лютого 2024 13:11 PM