The Pop ups course format is based on the Topics format. Editing a course is done in the same way one would create a course using Topics format.

The functionality is achieved by adding javascript to the course page. That same functionality should work in other format by including the javascript call at the end of the format file. Currently, the supported activities include Choice, Custom Certificate, Folder, File resource, H5P, Page, Poster, SCORM, and URL. Other activities can be added, but that requires some custom coding that depends on the module. Not all modules would lend themselves to displaying in a Moodle. Forum, Assignment, and Quiz for example would be too complicated to use in a modal. The modules may still be used in a course. They will just open in a new page, and users will have to navigate back to the course page themselves when they are done.

The functioning of individual supported modules can be controlled. Some modules like File resource and SCORM have options in the settings to display in a pop up. This format respects that and will display on a a new page if that is what is selected.  All activities can be controlled by permission using the capability 'format/popups:view'. If a user has the capability and settings allow, the activity is displayed in a modal other it is not.

آخر تعديل: السبت، 3 أبريل 2021، 11:51 AM