4. Deciding motions


Once your speaker is given the floor and made some motion that motion must be either adopted or declined by the chair according to the rules. Either the chair makes a decision or the body decides by voting. The chair records the result by clicking a button to adopt or decline the motion. Some motion types are debatable, and speakers are queued to discuss or amend.

When debate is concluded on a motion, the body must decide its outcome, and the chair records the event the result. How exactly the  vote takes place is up to the chair, and may depend on the circumstances of the meeting and the particular motion that is being addressed. Often non controversial motions are passed by unanimous consent, a voice vote, or a show of hands. On some occasions a paper ballot or roll call may be required.

Plenary meeting offers an option to the chair to Divide the house. When it is used, users will have the option to vote yea or nay on the pending motion. The results will be visible to the chair. When voting is concluded, the chair can see the results reported, determine whether the threshold is met, and adopt or decline the question. The chair can of course use other methods if they are convenient.